• In order to distribute your music online, we only need digital distribution rights. You hold all the other rights, such as copyrights, master rights, publishing rights, and so on....
  • What is a UPC or EAN Code?

    2019-01-06 00:59:32
    A UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (International Article Number) is a unique code used to identify a Release....
  • What is an ISRC code?

    2019-01-06 01:00:05
    ISRC, the International Standard Recording Code, is the internationally recognized identification tool for sound and music video recordings....
  • No. We offer UPC and ISRC codes FOR FREE to all our registered customers. (Please note this is often a...
  • This is a service that allows a consumer to either stream, download or burn music for a set fee for a set period of time. Examples include, but are not limited to, Listen.com's Rhapsody, eMusic and Napster....
  • In case you are a record label or you do own legitimately registered UPC and ISRC codes, you can of course use your own. Just follow the instructions during...
  • Interactive streaming is when a digital file is transmitted electronically to a computer or other device at the specific request of the end user in order to allow the end user to listen to a recording or a play...
  • A permanent download is an individual delivery of a sound recording by digital transmission resulting in a reproduction made by or for the recipient which may be retained and played by the recipient on a perman...
  • What is a Tethered Download?

    2019-01-06 02:36:44
    Tehtehred downloads are sometimes called limited downloads. A tethered download is a digital file that is delivered electronically to a computer or other device to reside there on a limited basis. ...
  • What does encoding mean?

    2019-01-06 02:35:52
    Encoding is the conversion of one format into another digital file format, often referred as 'output format'. All the music you upload is being transcoded to FLAC files in the highest possible bitrate- without ...
  • You do not 'need' to complete your Artist profile. An Incomplete profile will not prevent your Release to be delivered to the stores.However, the more information we have, the better. The 'Artists' ...
  • The more the better? Not always. Just like in the physical world, there shouldn't be more than one digital music distributor bringing the same Release to th...
  • What is Audio Mastering?

    2019-01-06 01:19:52
    Mastering is the process of preparing and transferring recorded audio material from a source containing the final mix to the master, the source from which all copies will be produced (via methods such as pressi...
  • White label providers

    2019-01-08 23:26:52
    When submitting a release with Ministry of Musics you may notice that some partners do not appear as options in the partner list you see when creating a release. These are&nbs...
  • A service that allows a consumer to either stream, download or burn music on a pay per transaction basis. Examples include (but are not limited to) Apple iT...